

EyeCon Project

In the era of computers and mobile smart devices, the number of users of all ages is increasing. As much as these technological devices have their advantages, there are consequences of their use, especially if it is excessive and unnecessary. As a result of this excessive “living” in a narrow space, especially in children and teenagers, problems with their eyes appear.

One of these problems, which take a big swing especially with the emergence of mobile devices, is the so-called convergence insufficiency. This diagnosis does not refer to the patient’s good sight but refers to the weakening of some of the muscles that move the eyes, which with less fatigue contributes to the uncontrolled movement of one of the eyes, which is one of the first steps towards strabismus, but also other more serious diseases. Precisely because of this, in specialist ophthalmologic examinations, this diagnosis is often omitted, which contributes to the serious unawareness of the parents that such a thing exists at all, especially in their child.

With this innovation, we want to merge the research results for this phenomenon with the results in artificial intelligence and get a mobile software solution that uses the front camera of mobile devices, which will analyze the user’s eyes while performing other activities and detect a convergence insufficiency. In a positive detection of convergence insufficiency, the application will immediately send a message to the parent with photos of their child before and after detecting the phenomenon, which will increase the parents’ awareness of this problem. In this way, we will contribute to dealing with a health problem, but also sociologically, since convergence insufficiency is a direct cause of eye fatigue in children, which certainly affects their academic performance.

Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a problem with eye ‘teaming.’ Both eyes should point in the same spot and perceive visual space equally in order to work together as a team and provide efficient vision. This ophthalmic diagnosis is just a step towards more serious vision problems, such as strabismus, but if it is detected in a timely manner, it can be repaired with simple exercises, planned for the next EyeCon project phases.

The vast majority of people who have convergence insufficiency are able to see 20/20 on the eye chart, which is why this common binocular vision condition is often missed during vision screenings and regular eye exams. As convergence insufficiency primary affects visual functioning at near, many of the complaints occur during reading, computer work, and other near tasks. Convergence insufficiency is best detected during a Binocular vision assessment, but many doctors do not perform the testing necessary to diagnose convergence insufficiency during a routine eye exam.

This is not the case with Dr. Marijan Tomovski, who has been testing his patients for several years in his ophthalmology office “Tomovski Enterpreyes” in Kumanovo and has diagnosed and documented several hundred such cases at different ages.

On the other hand, in the United States this phenomenon has been studied for several decades, so the results of some studies indicate that in the period from 1985 to 2004, CI was 15.7% of all forms of strabismus and was diagnosed in patients with an average age of 68.5 years. But another survey conducted in Ohio, USA suggests that in the last couple of years, as much as 13% of children aged 9 to 14 have this problem.

As a reason for this dramatic change in numbers, mobile devices and mobile games have been identified that at the same time have become a sociological problem in this population, but also the parents’ unawareness about this problem has certain role in this problem.

We are thrilled to announce that our groundbreaking project, EYECON, is now proudly supported by the Fund for Innovations and Technology Development of Macedonia. This prestigious funding is a testament to the innovative potential and transformative impact of our work in the field of medical technology.

Addressing a Critical Need

Convergence Insufficiency (CI) is a common visual disorder that significantly affects the quality of life for many individuals. Traditional diagnostic methods and treatments for CI have proven to be inefficient and time-consuming, often resulting in suboptimal outcomes. Despite the pressing need, the medical industry has been slow to address this issue effectively.

Introducing EYECON

Our project aims to revolutionize the way CI is diagnosed and treated. The EYECON project focuses on developing advanced medical devices designed to provide efficient, cost-effective diagnostics and successful treatment options for CI. Our approach is built upon proven clinical methods and seeks to create a comprehensive solution that includes:

  • Innovative Diagnostic Tools: Designed to offer quick and accurate diagnosis of CI, both at home and in clinical settings.
  • Effective Treatment Methods: Tailored to address CI more effectively, with the potential to improve patient outcomes significantly.

Why EYECON Matters

The EYECON diagnostic device and treatment method stand out due to their unique approach. The device allows for:

  • Home Use: Patients can conduct diagnostics and treatments at home, providing convenience and comfort.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Faster and more accurate diagnosis and treatment compared to traditional methods.
  • Remote Validation: Doctors can review and confirm results from a distance, ensuring continuous and effective care.

Next Steps

With the support of the Fund for Innovations and Technology Development of Macedonia, we are now moving forward with the development of the EYECON prototype for CI diagnosis. This includes rigorous testing and evaluation by an independent clinical institution to validate its efficacy against conventional diagnostic tools.

We believe that the EYECON project will mark a significant advancement in the medical field, making a real difference for those suffering from Convergence Insufficiency. Our goal is to deliver a solution that is not only innovative but also practical and accessible for both patients and healthcare providers.

Stay Tuned

We will keep you updated on our progress as we work towards bringing the EYECON device to market. Our commitment is to transform CI diagnosis and treatment, and with the support of the Fund for Innovations and Technology Development of Macedonia, we are one step closer to achieving this vision.

For more information about the EYECON project and to follow our journey, please visit our website regularly. Thank you for your continued support and interest!