EyeCon at the 42nd International Conference THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE

Our team, consisting of Medical Director Dr. Marijan Tomovski, Technical Director Prof. Dr. Slavcho Chungurski, and Project Manager Prof. Dr. Savo Ashtalkoski, recently participated in the 42nd International Conference titled “THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE.” The conference, organized by the Scientific Institute for Management and Knowledge from Skopje, took place from October 5-8, 2023, in Perea, Greece.

During the conference, our team was actively involved in a significant round table discussion on the topic: “Actual Trends in Medicine.” This round table, organized in collaboration with the Scientific Institute for Management and Knowledge, featured numerous experts from various countries who shared their insights and experiences.

Our representatives made substantial contributions to the discussions and presentations, providing valuable input and perspectives. The presented papers and expert-led discussions offered excellent opportunities for exchanging experiences and acquiring new knowledge, which is crucial for the implementation of innovative solutions in our projects.

Participating in this conference provided an excellent platform for deepening our understanding of current trends in medicine and integrating new insights into our work. It was a valuable opportunity for establishing new connections and exchanging ideas that will enhance our projects and innovations.

The “THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE” conference proved to be a remarkable opportunity for professional growth and knowledge exchange. We extend our gratitude to the Scientific Institute for Management and Knowledge for organizing such an impactful event and look forward to applying the insights gained to advance our initiatives.

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